212-570-2075 contact@bonheurmd.com

Reflux Diet

What Is A Reflux Diet?

Symptoms of acid reflux may include abdominal pain, belching, sour taste, nausea or chest pain.  If you and your doctor have decided that GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is the cause of your symptoms, diet and lifestyle modifications may help. General dietary guidelines:

  • Eat small, frequent meals.
  • Drink fluids between meals, not during them.
  • Focus on low-fat, high-protein foods.
  • Stop eating before you get too full.

Beverages To Avoid

  • Coffee
  • Mint and/or caffeinated teas
  • Other caffeinated beverages such as energy drinks
  • Soda, seltzer and other carbonated beverages
  • Alcohol

Foods To Avoid

  • Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons
  • Tomatoes including tomato sauce and salsa
  • Chocolate
  • Mint or peppermint
  • Fatty or spicy foods such as chili or curry
  • Onions and garlic
  • Any foods that cause symptoms

General Lifestyle Modifications

  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Quit smoking:  Smoking may increase your risk for heartburn as it may increase the amount of acid secreted by your stomach.
  • Avoid lying down after meals and eating within 2-3 hours of bedtime. Elevate your head while you sleep with a pillow or wedge.
  • Wear loosely fitting pants and belts.

Keep in mind that everyone is different and what is tolerated by one person may not be by another. Work with our dietitian to evaluate your diet and ensure adequate and appropriate nutrition. If symptoms persist, please consult with your doctor as you may require medication or further evaluation.


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Meet Jennifer Bonheur, MD

Dr. Jennifer Bonheur is a board-certified gastroenterologist who loves her work and values her relationships with her patients. As a female gastroenterologist, she strives to connect and treat the patient and not simply the illness. Dr. Bonheur offers specialized care in gastroenterology and therapeutic endoscopy. Together with her staff, she is committed to providing the highest quality medical care in a comfortable, professional and personalized environment. Learn More »